“We are the platform for the Creative Economies of Chile.
A meeting and training point supported by the State, for all of those who work in the creative economies in the country.
A space with universal access to tools and resources to support each phase of the development of cultural careers and works.
A place to be inspired, connected, and recognized amongst peers.
A starting point for all those who contribute, day by day, to the cultural development of society.
We are Casa de las Economías Creativas de Chile”

What is it?
This Creative Economies Platform is a service, coordinated by the Executive Secretariat of Creative Economies of the Mincap that, through the organization of resources and the facilitation of interactions, seeks to strengthen and activate the creative ecosystem, building social capital and networks that allow it to enhance creative processes and projects.
Who is it for?
The platform is focused on those people who play an intermediary role in Creative Economies: “Those who facilitate the production, dissemination, distribution, and national and international circulation of cultural goods and services”.

What was the development and the creation of the Platform like?
+ 35 in-depth interviews with creative workers to understand their needs and motivations
+ 5 weeks of secondary research about the national Creative Economies ecosystem
+ 3 months of strategic design and interactions
18 international references analysed

About the Executive Secretariat of Creative Economies
This Platform of Creative Economies is a service coordinated by the Executive Secretariat of Creative Economies, of the Department of Promotion of Culture and Arts of the Undersecretary’s Office of Cultures and Arts, of the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage. This project is financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Program of support to Global Services.
The Secretariat has, according to the law N°21045 of the MINCAP, attributions and functions around «To promote the development of the industries and the creative economy, contributing in the processes of insertion in circuits and services of circulation and diffusion, for the emergence and strengthening of the creative entrepreneurship at local, regional, national and international level».