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Ruta Creativa
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Animación, Arquitectura, Artes Escénicas, Artes Visuales, Artesanía/Oficio, Audiovisual, Cine, Diseño, Fotografía, Gastronomía, Literatura/Libro/Editorial, Moda, Música, Nuevos medios, Realidad Virtual, Videojuegos
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[Agenda Chile Creativo]
This is the third free LATC Webinar celebrating the publication of the new bilingual ebook, The Audiovisual Public Landscape in Latin America / El panorama de las políticas públicas en Latinoamérica, sponsored by Olsberg•SPI and published by Latin American Training Center- LATC,
Post-COVID Audiovisual Public Policy Challenges in Latin America
Jonathan Olsberg, Executive Chair, Olsberg•SPI
Alexander Cuntz, Head of the Creative Economy Section, World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO
Silvia Echeverri, Colombia Film Commissioner and Board Member, Latin American & Caribbean Film Commission Network – LAFCN
Giancarlo Nasi, Vice President, Ibero-American Federation of Academies of the Cinematographic Arts and Sciences – FIACINE
Mediator: Steve Solot, President, Latin American Training Center-LATC, and Associate-Latam, Olsberg•SPI
May 13, 2021
10 am (Bogotá time) | 11 am (Santiago time) | 12 pm (Brasília time)
4 pm (London time) | 5 pm (Geneva time)
The free webinar will be streamed live in English (without simultaneous translation) through the Sympla Platform (Zoom).